Friday, October 26, 2012

Costa Rica Tarrazu - Finca La Ortiga Microlot

Yiching says - oh it's been exactly a month since we last updated the blog. There have been so many wonderful coffees that John's roasting and offering at caffe d'bolla. Will be more diligent in terms of blogging about them (hopefully.)

One of the coffees that John just roasted is Costa Rica Tarrazu - Finca La Ortiga Microlot. It's available Whole Bean right now.

This microlot is brought to us by way of El Alumbre, a plot within the much larger Finca La Ortiga. This particular plot is situated at 1800 meters in the micro-region of Colpachi El Guarco. Beneath the shady canopy of banana trees, farmer Omar Brenes Fallas has planted El Alumbre with a mix of Caturra and Catuai, both high-yielding cultivars, maximizing the potential harvest of this small-holder farm.

Malted honey, silky sweet mandarin orange, lingering green tea finish. Crystalline clean and refined.

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