Saturday, April 21, 2012

Guatemala Huehuetenango - Finca La Maravilla

One of the siphon coffees we're offering at the shop right now is Guatemala Huehuetenango - Finca La Maravilla.

This wonderful coffee is going fast! Maravilla means "the wonder", and it truly it. The farm is in the La Libertad area in the northern part of Huehuetenango. It is a high elevation farm, from 1500 to 1850 meters. The owner, Maruicio Rosales, maintains a beautifully cultivated crop that translates into a phenomenal coffee year after year.

 In the cup it pains flavors all over your palate. Sweet orange, with caramel and toffee notes, and wonderful fruit highlights throughout - cranberry, raisin, and a little light citrus and warm chocolate notes. A mouthful of pleasure in every sip.

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