John's been roasting quite a bit, and also introducing new coffees to the shop!
One of the newest greens we got in is Ethiopia Kaffa - Michiti Coop.
Michiti is a cooperative in the far Western area of Ethiopia called Kaffa, where coffee is said to originate as an understory plant in the dense forests. Michiti was our buyer's favorite coffee from this area, and has 260 coop members growing coffee on small farms at a range of 1700 to 1900 meters. In this area, much coffee is simply planted in the forests, untended, then harvested when ripe. Other coffee is simply found growing wild and harvested. A few farms are more intentionally planted, pruned, and improved over time. The cooperative paid a record dividend to farmers this year after the harvest, based on the premium price we paid for their coffee. And it deserves it!
In the cup it's dried peach and strawberry with ginger, cinnamon, and coriander, caramel cookie notes in the background. A must have coffee.